About The Creativity Course:

If the word “create” sparks even an inkling of anything in your soul, you need The Creativity Course! If you are a human, you are designed to create, and Andrea can help you tap into this essential part of who you are. For eight weeks, Andrea explores the principles and practices of creativity that apply to any creative pursuit. At the end of the course, there is a “tell and show” for everyone to present their projects.


But this time around, the course is a little different. This is The Creativity Course 2.0: The Creativity Course elevated. The Creativity Course diving deeper.

This NEW 8-WEEK COURSE will emphasize the same powerful principles and practices, but will do a more in-depth exploration of some important subjects, such as:

  • What is means to be a Finisher
  • Creativity Boosters & Creativity Zappers
  • How Rejection & Failure can be your Secret Weapon
  • When Good Enough is Good Enough
  • And lots more!

Andrea will be starting this course on January 22nd. Space is limited.

If you are interested in being part of the course, visit thecreativitycourse.com.


Follow along for some creative inspiration on Facebook and Instagram!