November 10th, 2012. The Bretts, Branson’s Best Morning Show, announced their second “Bretts For Vets” award winner during their show. After Andrea Brett recited her famous poem “I Am A Veteran,” Tom Brett joined her on stage to present the second annual “Bretts For Vets” award.
The “Bretts for Vets” award is a special recognition given to veterans, active servicemen, or anyone else who demonstrates exceptional patriotism and devotion to their country. This year’s award goes to the College of the Ozark’s Patriotic Education Travel Program. The program focuses on teaming up WWII veterans and students to revisit battlefields last seen over 70 years ago. The students walk with the veterans as they relive their experiences, and pass their stories of courage and sacrifice onto the next generation of Americans. The students are selected through a very competitive application process. They and the veterans travel at no cost to
them. Dr. Fred Mullinax, who first came up with the idea for the program, accepted the “Bretts For Vets” award on behalf of the college. Also in attendance were five WWII veterans, two holocaust survivors, and six C of O students whom had gone on one or more of the trips. When asked why the travel program was selected, Andrea Brett said “I’ve always had a soft place in my heart for our WWII Veterans. There is something very special about them – a unique humility and sense of gratitude. I’ve never met one who was willing to brag about their service – it was always just “my duty.” Each year there are fewer and fewer of these vets with us and I think it’s so important that somehow their legacy lives on. That is why I think the Patriotic Education
Travel Program is so awesome. It unites the rising generation with the “Greatest Generation,” and gives them the opportunity to learn firsthand from these wonderful veterans. Hopefully these students will carry what they have learned and felt on these trips into their roles as our future leaders.”

For more on “Bretts For Vets” visit –
For more on the Patriotic Education Travel Program CLICK HERE