We are super excited to announce the release of a new Christmas collaboration featuring our favorite artists, (and amazing sons,) Prince Ivan and Garon Brett.

Here are 3 reasons to watch and listen –
1 – This is just a great song! “Homeless” by Michael McLean has long been a family favorite, and this arrangement gives it a very special spark!
2 – “Homeless” delivers a powerful Christmas message. “In His love there is a home.” That’s so good to remember right now in these 2020 times.
3 – It’s just so cool to see the three of these guys together again and listen to that sweet trio harmony. Tom and I were able to be in the studio with them when they recorded the video, and it was really awesome. It did this mom’s heart some good! We think you are gonna love it, too!

Watch the video on YouTube and stream the song! Download & share!

Spotify | Apple Music

Merry Christmas!
With love, Andrea & all The Bretts

PS I’d like to dedicate this song to my Dad, Wade Christensen, who returned to his home with Jesus three years ago today. I miss you, Dad, and Mom, too. We’re still down here trying to “sing it perty” for you!