April is the Month of the Military Child, and April 15th is Purple Up! Day — a day to wear purple in honor of all military children who bravely support their family members as they selflessly serve and courageously protect our Country.
I am so blessed to be the mother of five incredibly brave, ever resilient, endlessly forgiving, fiercely strong, and immensely good military children who sent their Daddy off on another overseas deployment 76 days ago (with 116ish days still to go… or 16 Sundays, as we like to think of it).
Being a military child is no joke. It requires so much of these tender little hearts and sweet young minds. It’s a lot to navigate. It challenges my children daily and builds their character in hard yet amazing ways. I am in awe each day as I witness firsthand the strength and fortitude of my three handsome sons and two beautiful daughters.
They, along with my husband, are my heroes whom I sincerely admire and deeply respect. I appreciate their sacrifices, and those of all other military children around the globe.
Join us today by wearing purple to honor them! 💜 #momc #purpleupday #militarystrong
— Briahna