By Joshua Clark, Branson Tri-Lakes News

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of being part of the sold-out crowd who experienced “The Brett’s Song of Christmas Show” at Dick Clark’s American Bandstand Theater. The only thing more awesome than the nearly 1,000 people who jammed into the theater, was actually the show itself.

Seriously, guys, this show is pretty fantastic, and perfect to get you into the Christmas mood.

Starring Tom, Andrea, Briahna, and Brydon Brett (Garon Brett is currently attending classes at BYU), the first half of the show is all Christmas, and even though they do perform a few “Christmas classics,” the family has written several original tunes which stand up very well to many of our all-time favorites.

The show is full of the comedy and fun we’ve come to expect from the Bretts, but it also has a huge heart, especially when they discuss the true meaning of Christmas, as well as the love for this country and her veterans.

The Brett family has always been one of the most talented crews in town, but they have never rested on that talent alone. Their arrangements, band, tech crew, and overall production can be counted in the top 5 here in Branson, and I’d wager anywhere else in the world, too.

“The Brett’s Song of Christmas Show” kicks off at 10 a.m. at Dick Clark’s American Bandstand Theater every day except Sunday through Dec. 15. For more information, visit