The latest blog posts and updates from the Brett family

The latest blog posts and updates from the Brett family

Goodbye for Now – A New Song to Honor an Old Friend
Every once in awhile someone comes along: Who is a devoted friend Who makes you laugh Who doesn’t judge you Who knows how to give without asking for anything in return Who doesn’t try to [...]
A Covid Christmas Story & Song – by Andrea Brett
It was the afternoon of December 21, 2020. I drove to Springfield, Missouri to pick up our son, Garon, from the airport. He was coming home for Christmas! Even better, our daughter, Briahna, and her [...]
We Wanted You to Know First…
Dearest Friends, Family & Fans! We are about to make a very important public announcement, but because you are such a significant part of our lives and we value your friendship and support so [...]
A Moving Message from Ukraine
Hello Friends, Recently, I received an unexpected email. A man named Vyacheslav Konoval had found my poem “I Am a Veteran” on the internet while searching for veterans organizations that might relate to [...]
Brett Family Update!
Hello Brett Friends, Fans, and Family! Happy February! This year is already flying by so quickly. Where did January go? Right? We thought we would just take a minute to share a word of [...]
A Veterans Day Message from Andrea Brett
A Veterans Day Message from Andrea Brett – It’s a beautiful Veterans Day in Branson, Missouri! I love living in Branson, especially this time of year. For years, Branson has hosted one of the largest and [...]